Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Random walk through Shenzhen

A random walk through a residential community in Shenzhen.

Amusing pirated DVD covers in China

Check out this pirated DVD cover as seen in China for the movie on 9/11, "Flight 93." As is the case here, the priates simply construct a hybrid English and Chinese cover with random bits of

English inserted no matter what the meaning.

The first photo mentions that Flight 93 is "Terrifving! - Thrm trlr Boct."

The second and third photos mention that the film is quite jovial and entertaining:

"Nick Love'S follow up to The Football Factory may be the best bloke film of the year."

"Deliciously entertaining. - The Observer"

"Savagely funny. - Nuts"

Fantasia Investment

Only in China would some sort of investment company name itself "Fantasia Investment!" :-) I cetainly would not entrust my funds to "Fantasia" Investment!

只有在中国会有投资公司的英文名字是 " Fantasia" 投资. "Fantasia " 英文的意思差不多是 "幻想".

Annoying elevator ads in China

Almost all residential and commercial elevators in China (as well as elevator lobbies) have small monitors that broadcast, almost 24 hours a day, annoying video ads. Here is a clip:

To me, this says a lot about Chinese culture. I am sure most people in the West would not accept such invasions of privacy.

However, more and more Chinese are indicating to me that they are finding these LCD monitors annoying as they proliferate to each and every aspect of Chinese life - elevators, buses, trains, taxis, super markets, etc.

Sunday, June 4, 2006

Amusing pirated DVD covers in China

Pirated DVDs are still on sale ubiquitously on the streets (and in shops) in China. Of interest are the covers of the DVDs which often have rather poor or amusingly incorrect English.

Witness the cover of this collection of 24 episodes:

"Wenty Four"